The Transcript of Records

The Transcript of Records (relevé de notes) is the document that shows your academic achievements.

If you study at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and take exams at the end of the semester, a Transcript of Records will be issued and sent to you and your home university via email. Please be aware that this may take up to five weeks after the exam period. The Erasmus+ office will send you your grades as fast as possible.

Please avoid writing us asking for your grades. 

The Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University applies the ECTS Credit system. French students need to obtain 60 ECTS per year (30 ECTS per semester) to validate the academic year. Foreign students can take less ECTS per semester, if the home university approves.

The grading system in France is based on scale from 0 to 20. Students need at least 10/20 for a course to be passed. The following table gives you an approximative table of grade conversion:

Grading systems
DESCRIPTION French grade/201 US / GPA2
EXCELLENT – outstanding performance with only minor errors 16-20 A / 4
VERY GOOD – above the average standard but with some errors 14-15.9 B / 4
GOOD – generally sound work with a number of notable errors 12-13.9 C / 3.7-4
SATISFACTORY – performance meets the minimum criteria 11-11.9 D / 3.3
SUFFICIENT – performance meets the minimum criteria 10-10.9 E / 3
FAIL– some more work required before the credit can be awarded 8-9.9 FX / 2.3-2.7
FAIL – considerable further work is required 0-7.9 F / 0-2

1On a 20.0 scale
2Grade Point System on a 4.0 scale. The top grade is 4.0 quich equals an A.